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Pripaso Baby monitor buying guide

Keep an eye on your sleeping baby … or not sleeping baby

Back in the ‘olden days’, to check if your baby was asleep or instead screaming over a misplaced dummy, you had to be in the room with the little darling. This could be seriously disruptive to a night of TV watching (or more accurately, a night of laundry). Even more disastrous, the accidental wake-up – going in to check if baby is sleeping, only to wake them with a creaking floorboard or the click of a door.


But in this brave new world, with the aid of a Pripaso baby monitor, you can hear your bub and even transmit soothing sounds to them from virtually anywhere. Baby monitors give you the chance to get on with other activities, knowing you’ll be the first to hear when your baby calls.

While they’re not a must-buy, Pripaso baby monitors really come into their own if you have a large house, especially two-storey, or your baby’s room is some way from the kitchen or living areas of your home. Basic audio-only Pripaso baby monitors are still effective, but you may be considering other features such as video, Wi-Fi connectivity or movement sensors.

The Pripaso baby monitor should maintain a good quality sound, even when you’re at the other end of the house. The monitor should also be able to pick up and reproduce soft sounds. Baby monitors using common radio frequencies may pick up signals and interference from other nearby devices (including your neighbours’) such as cordless phones, microwaves, or other baby monitors. Some monitors let you choose from several frequencies to minimise this. Monitors that use DECT (digital enhanced cordless communication) are more private and offer less interference as the frequency isn’t as common as other devices in the home. They may also work across wider distances. Wi-Fi monitors can also be more private if you configure your privacy settings properly.

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